Can I raise my frequency myself?
Yes! You can do anything and that includes being in charge of your own frequency resonance. HyFi helps to give you the guidance during sessions and meditations but ultimately you and your connection to the infinite (universe) and your higher self are doing the work. Check out this menu of activities you can do to raise your fequency resonance yourself.
Am I going to change if I do frequency work?
Yes, you will change and shift into a greater, stronger and more confident version of yourself as you prioritize your needs and begin to foster your own unique connection to source. If people in your life notice you changing and do not like it, know that you are agitating something in them that wants to shift. You have the power and choice to change in anyway you wish.
Will I forget my past if I let it go?
Not necessarily, but the emotional cords that you have from the past that keep you stuck in heavy emotions will fade.
If I feel sick during a meditation is it bad?
If you feel unwell during a meditation, session or after any of the HyFi it simply means that your physical body is adjusting to a change made on a higher level of frequency. This is called detox and you can read more about it on the What is Frequency Work page.
I know exactly what I want, why isn't it happening?
Attachment. We must be in a place of satisfaction in our present in order to bring in greater manifestation. If we yearn for things outside of what we have so much that it takes us out of being present, we deflect our desires. Become satisfied, accept what is and find neutrality around your desires. That gratitude and appreciation increases your resonance and you become a magnet to what you ‘want’ or better!
Why aren't my friends as excited about HYFI as I am?
We’ve all decided to take on different destinies in this lifetime. Part of your destiny is to awaken during this time of your life. Sometimes when we gain momentum and start to change with frequency work, we outgrow old dynamics and habits that were routine in our relationships and friendships. Everyone is meant to find their path towards awakening in different ways and at different times. If you’re looking for friends to connect with on this journey, consider joining a meditation series or attending a retreat to make some new friends!